We got ten guys at the July 22nd meeting! Which gave the guys a mix of cock to jack off with. The male married couple joined us and a few of my regular attendees.We got two young men. One a cute Black man from town and a dreamy eyed dirty blonde from Butler county.My guy that likes to be bukaked showed up and got one load on his face.
I showed the new porn in the main living room which featured a local man in it.In the bedroom I had playing a more hardcore leather porn. I hope you all had a decent time and try to bring a friend at any future meetings and share this action where possible.
By the way some one left a white Italian cap.This is the third hat.I think I will start a collection. Also we will be making a one time change of the 2nd Saturday night of the month meeting in August 2017 to August 5th due to vacation plans.Tell hung uncut Dave guys. BUY A 50$ YEARLY MEMBERSHIP NOW!
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