How does one measure success?Seven horny men exploring each other as we rocked to club music and eat mini sandwiches and had beer,water or pop?One member called it successful for our first meeting there. We watch some porn which I was told later needed to be improved.
Our new place above the located at 4111 Penn ave. is perfect cozy clean and private.I had two steady guys and three new guys plus my helper/buddy at the door that played too(Jim).Big-balls Jim eventually would jack is load into the cum-bowl.
A young black couple was among the new faces. Both were slim and sexy and both were hung well beyond 8-inches,thick too! The other new face was a mid-age white guy, slim fit and a great cocksucker.Dave and Brian come to my meetings often and I was happy to see them.
We found a few negatives about getting guys to the meeting.This new spot , it is hard to see the 4111 posted on the building.Next month I will bring a sign with 4111 penn on it.I mentioned me improving the porn plus I was told I need Pittsburgh native ambassador to advertize my group to the local sex party community. My own critique is making the bathroom more homey.
In fact now that I think about it this new spot is a upper apartment so it is like having my home meeting but this one is in Allegheny county.From now on it will be called my jack-off apartment in Pittsburgh! Below are pictures of our new apartment spot.
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