I never saw such shoulder-clapping, hugging and kissing true male bonding in any meeting I ever had.I think two guys found love even, they spent the whole session together.I got ten guys again all but one shot his load.We got a couple that joined as life members and both had big fucking dicks. The rest of the men were regular attendees.Starting this membership thing was my best idea because I’m sure to get my core group and with new men a good crowd.
We were able to use all three play areas with hot porn in each room. I even got two loads of jizz on my jock one from a nice handjob I gave Bruce. It turned out to be a very relaxed meeting.No expectations or pressure. Easy going and light conversations. Men are just cool to be around and hangout with especially in a sexual setting. Simply put my Daburghjacks men are really a cool set of men. If you been thinking about joining now is the time because they get more fun as the season goes toward cooler weather. GET YOUR 50$ MEMBERSHIP HERE.
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