We got twelve guys total with one new face, a Vgl-very good looking face at the July 21st meeting. They had lots of fun with all 3 play areas and enjoyed the fresh porn I got for them. One is a sexy daddy porn you might enjoy. The other is a prison fantasy porn movie with a few very hung men in it. On my big screen, it seems like they are part of the room, and Jeff got up and positioned himself like the screen image LOL. In our downtime, the guys laughed and enjoyed each other’s company.

       Just an apartment full men, walking around but ass naked! A smorgasbord of cock to enjoy. I even got two healthy loads of my strap!  I past out an unofficial type membership form, with one field, asking if they could a guy a ride from Pittsburgh. So if you don’t have a car or ride just contact me. darren@daburghjacks.com. Make the next meeting August 4th and, KEEP JACKIN’.