It is time to take the gloves off! I hesitate in publishing a post such as this one because over the years I had a core value of not being cruel to men. We all need love, right? I feel that some guys take advantage of this and believe if they give me 10 bucks that they can join the meetings, that it is a public venue when it is a private venue. Ok, a dream meeting with fantasy men with Adonis sculptured bodies and huge cocks would be ideal, but in the real world that ain’t happening.
I get guys asking about the meetings all the time with questions such as. “What type of guys go there?” What they really want to know, I think, is shape and ages of the guys. Back in the day in male gay culture the guys strived to stay in shape and competed to look desirable. Some of that has gone partly due to American culture itself. Our restaurants are full of fatty dining options.
The decline in attendance at my meetings wanes but has declined in the past year and I am attributing it to the makeup of the group(sometimes). This has caused me to institute a whole new paradigm shift in my thinking and who I want at the meetings. In fact, some have whispered in my ear- ” can’t you get a better makeup of guys?” Those men don’t return or leave when they get here and see who is here! So, from now on I going to let in guys I think have sexy appeal and my core members will enjoy. Just like this meeting started off as being just jack-off and morphed into do-what-you-feel meetings. It will now shift to have restrictions at the door on who can attend. 18 to 65 and if you are a big man around 220 pounds but not over that and have sex appeal you can join us.
Sexy Appeal vs Gross
Some big guys like to sexify themselves by saying they are “bears” in the gay community. Sure, you can be a heavy-set man, but some are just gross. But a big guy that exudes sexiness is another thing. Plus, I have a jizz fetish and I found that big men produce a lot of cum. My lover is a big man, but he is clean-shaven and hot in bed. Plus, good looking. I’m sorry but it just kills me to think of all the hot men that have come to my meetings over the years and few or any return! I believe if the word gets out that only sexy guys can come then they would come back.
End closing this post is not meant to offend any men that have come to meetings. If you met me you know I am a personable individual. I’m just tired of the open-door policy.
This is more of a question and not a comment: but I have been in the Daburgh Jacks chatroom recently and there doesn’t seem to be a private chat feature any longer, and also it doesn’t seem like you can whisper any longer. Have those features been disabled for some reason and if so, is there any way to get them back in the chatroom? They were pretty cool features and I think a lot of the men enjoyed them! Thanks.
I am pretty sure I disabled those features because at times using them to me seemed silly. For instance, two men would be in there chatting about stuff that was not really anything, in my opinion to go private about. Plus if only the two of them are in there, why chat in private. It also excludes other guys from contributing to the conversations. They don’t see anyone chatting and they leave the room.Can I ask you if not having these features, stopped you from coming into the chat room?
Yes. I think guys liked those features because if they met someone that they liked and would have liked to have followed up with or exchange information with, they could do so privately. Some guys don’t want everyone to have their information – or know it – if they are not interested .. if that makes sense. I think all of the guys understand the concept of the chatroom being for general conversation, but a lot of times guys want to speak to specific people for specific reasons that may not pertain to the general room (for example: to plan outside meetings with each other or to exchange email addresses) and those features were ideal for those purposes.
I fully understand the use of private and whisper. I am going to keep these features off and look into users creating their own rooms. This way when guys are in private the other guys don’t feel ignored.
I read your blogs about your meetings all the time and they always say what a hot time everyone had, how hot this guy or that guy was, etc,etc. Now i read this and i have to wonder if its all bullshit…the descriptions of the meetings. I’m certainly hesitant about possibly driving up to Butler from washington county and giving it a try.
I tell guys that come to the meetings, because we have discussed the blog content, that I will not post any “untruths” to keep the integrity of the blog. Plus, if they were at a certain meeting and then read the post about it, it would have to be what really happened. You have to read in-between the lines to gather whether the meeting was fun or not. Of course for the most part they are fun. Kevin, you can always try out a few meetings, because the makeup of the groups are always different and
trying out
is why I changed the temporary membership fee to $10 bucks. When it was $50 per year that obligated guys and if they didn’t like it then now they have spent fifty bucks! As far as “hot guys” yes they were real when I wrote about them, but few if any return. This is why I am trying a new approach.
I attended a meeting, had a good time the group had a good assortment the day I was there . My only complaint was I wanted topped , seemed every one wanted to just j/o or suck . I would like to know I’m not driving an hour to go back home not getting topped.
We are not mind readers. I bet you didn’t even express your needs.
I’m not a heavy set man or even close to 220lbs, nor am I in the 60’s age group yet so I don’t have a dog in this issue .. and I understand that it’s your home and you have a right to have in your home who you’d like – and of course people that you don’t want in your home you don’t have to let them in. However, my concern with this post is that it sounds to me like a fine line between body shaming and discrimination. If you implement your idea you’d stand to be the only jackoff club with those kind of requirements. No other jackoff club that I know of has body requirements or sex appeal requirements. You mentioned that your attendance is waning. I’d be concerned that requirements that you’ve mentioned would further alienate more men and prospective men won’t attend because they’d be too self conscious or afraid that they don’t have enough sex appeal. Just something to think about.
It was very, very, very tough for me to put this out there.I struggled with coming off as shallow. I agree there may be a period of time when guys won’t show up, (besides my die hard members) then I am hoping all the studs that have been here start to return. Also, sex appeal is purely subjective. Believe you me, if a big sexy hunk over 220 pounds shows up, he is IN! Then what is sexy to me may not be to the guys. Nine inches would help..LOL

I can appreciate these new guidelines as this is a private venue. Being as I have only attended once (and unfortunately no one showed up that day, so have been hesitant to return), I can’t make any comment on previous meetings though. I have to drive an hour and a half to attend and will appreciate having a more defined group.
Good call.