The club meeting had the flavor like it always does.Men checking out to see any new faces, then floating around the rest of the club.That being said thirteen really nice men paid their admission to the jack off meeting.The guys that were there on time at seven pm,well they were a handsome group and they played well together.We had two men from out of town,that were hung and hot in their 40’s.About 3 of the 13 guys were curious club members.Which is good it means the rest came directly through my campaigning.
The staff of Club Pittsburgh was quite happy with the turn out and so was I.I mostly manned the door and greeted my guys and let them have fun.
My lover was outside in his car waiting for me.I had called him twice just to talk.He didn’t come in and was very patient with me.I had met him while setting up one of my meeting at the club.So come join us.You will meet a nice guy too.
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