What an amazing turn out! They just kept knocking on the door.We got two new members ,one joined as a lifer and he is very sexy with his shaved head and sexy posing. The other young too with long hair and a manly beard.The steady guys enjoyed the new members,but no one brought a friend for free yet,which all members can once.
Never the less there is a lot of chatting now like whether Donald Trump has a big dick, as we watch a new leather porn.My 60 inch big screen went on the blink and Gregg and I had to bring out our bedroom tv for the guys.
I knew it was going to be a successful meeting because of the bad weather, but I didn’t know it was going to be this hot.If you missed it come to the next one September 16th at 6pm JOIN HERE..50$ yearly or 100$ lifetime.
Look for the fall 2017 dates in the newsletter which I publish seasonally. We will be switching back to a Sunday 2pm meeting soon.