Even though I run a Pittsburgh pa. based jack off group , I’m originally born and raised from Buffalo NY so my lover and I decided to go to my home town’s Gay pride events.
The first gay pride 2016 Buffalo event we attended was the flag raising ceremony,May 31th in Niagara square with the Mayor of Buffalo NY, Byron Brown and other elected officials.They raised the transgender flag with the rainbow gay flag.The next was,June 1st The Big Gay Sing at the Evergreen Commons ,67 Prospect ave.
June 3rd we went to Chroma on Allen st and socialized .Later that night we attend the worst Drag show in history at Club Marcella.The best part of that Friday was hip hop dancing with other gay people at the Flex event at the Waiting Room ,334 Delaware ave.
June 4th we went to “Black Men Talking Pride Picnic” . I saw many old friends and eat some delicious food.
June 5th we went to the gay parade on Elmwood ave. and then the Pride Festival at Calanside.
We had a awesome vacation and a very nice hotel room in Amherst NY. with daily semi private swims and free breakfast and trade.
