We got 11 hot horny men at this last winter 2016 meeting of the year.One new face and Bob a visitor that regularly comes, joined up as a yearly member.He got a facial by two guys.We got four young men and the rest were between 35 to 50 years old.A bear type guy was my favorite and I let everyone know by staying on his cock.The bedroom door is closed right now with four men that are still here and they are having a wild time.Lot of very hot sex went on and as usual they came by jackin or grinding.Everyone shot a load and said it was a hot time.I’d like to tell details but all I can say is that you missed it! I got this email from a new guy after the meeting “Thanks for having this today! Although uneasy at first, the guys that you invited are all pretty nice people and I was more comfortable with time..! Thank you again!”

Also the best is yet come because the next meeting is our FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY and having you join will make it a success. There is a discount for this in my Spring newsletter. Sign up on the homepage of the main website.Please attend and bring a friend.


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